LU Weekly Update Lamar University Faculty and Staff
Week of November 18, 2024
Cardinal Lights Graphic

Cardinal Lights 2024 is TOMORROW!
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 6 - 8 p.m.
Wayne A. Reaud Building (courtyard)

Visit or click here 
for more information and an event map.

Check out a special Cardinal Lights podcast episode here.
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Compies Awards
2024 First Year WAC Composition Awards

Date(s): Now through Tuesday, Dec. 3
Location: LU Writing Center

The LU Writing Center is proud to host the second annual First-Year WAC Composition Awards, open to first-year student nominees who are writing across the curriculum. Cash prizes will be awarded to six winners in interdisciplinary categories. See web page for rules and faculty nomination form.

Hear Every Moment
Lamar Audiology Services

Date(s): Now through Friday, Dec. 13
Location: LU Speech & Hearing Sciences Building

The LU Speech and Hearing Clinic offers audiology services as an employment benefit to employees, their insurance-covered dependents, or currently enrolled students, with no out-of-pocket expenses. Come see us soon, to hear every moment of the holidays. Call (409) 880-8171 for more information.

International Education Week
2024 International Education Week

Date(s): Monday, Nov. 18 through Friday, Nov. 22
Location: Wimberly Building, Room 117

As we celebrate International Education Week from Nov. 18-22, 2024, we invite all Cardinals to explore languages, cultures, cuisines, and global learning opportunities to enrich our understanding of the world.

Flip the Script
Flip the Script: The Unique Experience of Student Athletes

Date: Tuesday, Nov. 19, 12:45 - 1:45 p.m.
Location: Galloway Business Building, Room 101 (Landes Auditorium)

Student-athletes will share their perspectives on balancing sport and study. A workshop for faculty, staff, and students.

Gratitude Awareness
Gratitude Awareness Day

Date: Wednesday, Nov. 20, Noon - 2 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center (Atrium)

Practice gratitude this fall by sending a note of thanks. Swing by Health Education's table and fill out a card to send to someone you are grateful for.

Winter Wellness
Winter Wellness

Date: Thursday, Nov. 21, Noon - 2 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center (Atrium)

As the weather changes, winter can bring sniffles or sore throats. Grab a winter wellness pack from Health Education with cough drops, tissues, tea packets, and hot cocoa from the Cardinal Activities Board.

Aquaculture: Changing the Narrative

Date: Thursday, Nov. 21, 12:45 - 1:45 p.m.
Location: Maes Building, Room 107

The LU Biology Department invites you to join our third installment in our seminar series "Aquaculture: Changing the Narrative" by Dr. Beth Silvy of Texas A&M. This discussion is centered on altering perspective about farm raised fish.

Center for Resiliency to Host Brown Bag Lecture Featuring Economic Cluster

Date: Thursday, Nov. 21, 12:45 - 2:05 p.m.
Location: LU Science & Technology Building (Room 203) or via Teams

Speakers/topics include Dr. Jilla "Characterizing Dispersion of Audiologists in Texas" and Dr. Berna Tokgoz "CRISys Community Resilience Framework as a Practical Guideline for Decision Makers in Case of Natural Hazards." Contact Teressa Robertson at for the Teams link. 

Study Abroad Info Session
Virtual Study Abroad Info Session

Date: Thursday, Nov. 21, 4 - 5 p.m.
Location: Virtual

Have you ever considered studying abroad, but aren’t sure where to start? Join us on Teams to get all your questions answered and discover exciting study abroad opportunities.

Writing with the Machine, Hosted by the LU Writing Center

Date: Thursday, Nov. 21, 12:30 - 5:00 p.m.

We'll show you how to use AI tools to seek useful writing feedback on your end-of-term writing, and our humans will also work with you in virtual breakout sessions. Faculty are welcome. Two sessions offered; you'll choose one. Visit our web page to register for the Teams invite. For more information, reach out to

Fall and Recovery
Theatre & Dance Present: Fall & Recovery

Date(s): Friday, Nov. 22 & Saturday, Nov. 23, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Location: LU University Theatre

Our annual fall faculty dance concert is sure to impress. Featuring works from faculty Amy A. Wright, Amy Elizabeth, Lou Arrington, Dr. Golden Wright and guest artists Joel & Lizzy Aguilera of Mezclada Dance Company. Tickets are on sale now at the link here.

Boomtown City in Lights
Boomtown City in Lights

Date: Thursday, Dec. 5, 5 - 8 p.m.
Location: Spindletop Boomtown Museum

Join us for a magical Christmas experience at Spindletop Boomtown Museum. Step back into 1901 and see our replica buildings beautifully decorated for the holidays.


Live Music
Hot Chocolate & Cider to keep you warm
Outdoor Movie at 6:30 p.m.
Bring your friends and family for a festive night

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LU Moment - Cardinal couple
LU Moment: Cardinal Couple Check-In with the Nelsons | S7 Ep. 39

Listen in to this week's LU Moment as we sit down with one of our Cardinal Couples, Janea and Kyle Nelson, to hear about the Smith-Hutson Scholars Program and LU Athletics. For an extended Q&A beyond the audio podcast, click here

Tune in to this week's episode or past episodes of the LU Moment on Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

library announcement
Library Renovation Site Closures

Starting Monday, Nov. 11, Turner Construction will begin installation of the fence that will enclose the job site for the library renovation. Pedestrian circulation immediately around the library will be impacted accordingly, but access to all adjacent buildings will remain. A covered pedestrian walkway will be installed at the main entrance to the library to provide continued access into the building during Phase I. 

The fence for Phase I is expected to be in place through July 2025. At that time, a new south entrance to the building will be opened up and the fence location will shift to accommodate Phase II of construction. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we get this important project underway.

Please contact the office of Planning and Construction at (409) 880-7085 if you have any questions or comments.

HOCO Door Winner
Homecoming Door Decorating Results

Congratulations to Student Aid, who won the Best Decorated Door award during this year’s Homecoming competition. With over 200 votes cast, their creativity and Cardinal pride shone brightly and made a lasting impression. Thank you to everyone who participated and voted.

Tacos Y Frutas
Delicious Tacos at Spindletop

Delicious tacos are served at Spindletop Boomtown Museum Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Stop by and enjoy great food.

Boomtown Square
Boomtown Square BBQ

No dinner plans? Boomtown Square has you covered. Swing by Tuesday through Friday for a delicious meal, conveniently located at Lamar University's Spindletop Boomtown Museum. We are also open Saturday for lunch from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

FY25 Announcement Mandatory Training

We are pleased to announce the rollout of Lamar University’s mandatory assignments that are crucial for our ongoing commitment to maintaining a safe, ethical and compliant workplace. We are launching our annual regulatory compliance training program. See HR November Announcements for information.

Bone or Joint Pain? Get FREE Help Today

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than 37 million U.S. adults struggle with musculoskeletal (MSK) related chronic pain. Hinge Health is a digital, physical therapist-led MSK care program available at no additional cost to HealthSelect members. Find out more info here.

2025 David J. Beck Fellowship/Scholarship

The 2025 David J. Beck Fellowship includes up to $10,000 in funding for a summer project (summer 2025).  These are full academic scholarships covering all tuition, books, fees and on-campus room and board. Fall 2025-Spring 2026 applications can be found in myScholarship.

Proposed Policies and Policy Changes Open for Community Comment

Deadline: Thursday, Nov. 21, 5 p.m.

Lamar University values community input and is committed to listening and reflecting on comments regarding proposed policy.

Pulse Flyer
Pulse Literary Magazine: Call for Submissions

Deadline: Sunday, Dec. 15, 11:59 p.m.

Submissions open Oct. 15 - Dec. 15. Categories for submission: poetry, fiction, art, screenplays, scholarly essays, creative nonfiction, poetry translation. $100 prizes will be awarded for each category. For more information: LU Pulse web page, Facebook page @lamarpulse, or email

3rd Annual Graduate Research Conference

Deadline: Wednesday, Dec. 18, 5 p.m.

Graduate Studies is accepting 300-word abstracts of papers and posters through Wednesday, Dec. 18. Send to The conference will be held Feb. 12, 2025. Questions? Call (409) 880-7041.

Get Publicity

Have something to share? Submit your good news (e.g., events, publications, faculty research, awards, departmental congratulations, grants, etc.) and the Office of Marketing Communications will get the word out through emails, web, social media and more. 

All approved announcements must be received by Thursday at 3 p.m. to be included in the following week's campus update.

LU News, November 11 - November 18

Lamar University to host annual 'Fall and Recovery' dance concert

Dr. Edythe E. Kirk awarded 2024 David J. Beck Teaching Excellence Award

College of Engineering hosts STEM Teacher Workshop

First-Generation students honored at awards luncheon

LU Moment: Beyond the Podcast with the Smith-Hutson Scholars Program

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Lamar University
4400 MLK Blvd., PO Box 10009, Beaumont, Texas 77710